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Dan Allison | Money Tales Podcast Guest

Money Tales

Building Is Better Than Winning, with Dan Allison


Some people are born to be entrepreneurs and they are energized by building new businesses. Our guest Dan Allison is an entrepreneur writ large. He has made it to the top of the mountain a couple of times and realized that for him, it is the view of the peak from the valley that really charges him up. Dan shares his remarkable story of striking it big with his first business early in life. He talks about what he has learned about money along the way and what happened when he found himself deviating from his values.

Dan is a Partner and Chief Growth Officer at Model FA, and he is not your typical consultant. He sold his first company for millions while still in his twenties and has dedicated his career to showing professionals how gaining a better understanding of their clients can lead to incredible, life-long referral relationships. Dan has served as a consultant to some of the most successful people in the country. He has developed his easy-to-implement yet profound referral strategies through the Model FA to help individuals and businesses serve their best clients. The result is a simple process that is founded in strengthening relationships which then lead to more referrals.

During our conversation with Dan on Money Tales, one of the topics we covered was compounding returns. We explore it further in the financial insight that we included for you after the interview.

Keep Listening.