Young Kim

Chief Client Service Operations Officer, Partner

Meet Young

What do you enjoy most about wealth management?

Having a positive impact on real people.

What's the biggest challenge?

Dealing with constant change can be very energizing but also challenging.

What do you love about being part of Aspiriant?

The respect and commitment we have to the industry, clients and each other.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Working with individuals – especially young ones – to help them achieve their career growth objectives.

What quality of yours makes you best suited to what you do?

My ability to assess a situation quickly and come up with a solution, resolve an issue or improve a process.

What do you love to do outside of work?

Crafts, especially knitting and crocheting.

What would you be doing if you weren't working at Aspiriant?

Volunteering at local schools with children whose first language is not English.

What was the most influential book you've read and why?

The Kite Runner. The stories of people whose experiences are so far from mine make me appreciate what I have. They remind me of the values I want to maintain in my life.

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

As an immigrant from Korea, learning English and American culture was very difficult.


Young started with the Aspiriant family while she was in college, working as a part-time administrative assistant for predecessor firm Kochis Fitz in 1992. After she graduated, Young took over Investment Operations and has led the team’s growth from one person to more than 35 people today. She became a partner of the firm in 2007.

Young supervises all aspects of investment transactions — including trading, opening new accounts and reporting. Her team also serves as the liaison with clients’ outside advisors, such as CPAs and lawyers.

She is also responsible for implementing investment strategies and programs. One of her early achievements was helping to develop iRebal, a portfolio balancing software program, in partnership with other firms.

She serves on several Aspiriant committees including the Extended Management Team, Operating Committee, Integration Committee and the Salesforce Platform Committee. Young has also served as a member of the Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Technology, Operations, and Service Board for three years.

But what Young finds most rewarding is working with the talented professionals at Aspiriant and helping her team members develop their careers. Many of them have moved into wealth management.

Originally from South Korea, Young moved with her family to the U.S. when she was 13. She earned a B.S. in Accounting from Golden Gate University. She lives in South San Francisco with her husband and son.

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