
Bright Idea: Your Guide to Going Solar

November 13, 2019

Greg Schick
Greg Schick

Director in Wealth Management, Member of Board of Directors, Partner

Greg joined Aspiriant’s predecessor firm, Kochis Fitz, in 1998 and became a Principal in 2005. Greg has been a wealth management professional for over 15 years and brings a broad range of experience to client relationships, including executive compensation, investment portfolio design, risk management, charitable and family wealth transfer, and general long-range wealth planning and optimization strategies.

In addition to client responsibilities, Greg sits on Aspiriant’s Investment Committee, the body responsible for developing and maintaining Aspiriant’s investment platform. Greg also chairs Aspiriant’s Editorial Board, which shapes all external publications. Greg serves on Aspiriant’s Board of Directors, which is responsible for developing the firm’s long-range strategic growth plans.

Greg graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a BS degree in Finance. He earned his Certified Financial Planner designation in 2000.

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