In Session 1, we’ll discuss the two sides of money: the technical side and the emotional side. We’ll demonstrate how to engage with your personal finances through productive money conversations and highlight the importance of developing value and purpose-driven goals for your financial plan through our “Slices of Life” survey.
In Session 2, we’ll discuss how to become empowered to make smart financial decisions through a long-term, intentional and focused financial plan. We’ll review how to use your net worth statement as a planning tool, understand how your asset allocation is a lever to help secure your long-term financial future, proactively plan for the unexpected and untimely, and feel confident making important financial decisions.
In Session 3, you’ll leave with an action plan to make 2024 the year you are confident and organized around managing your money. We’ll discuss practical ways to implement your financial plan, start investing or evaluate your investments, reach and track your long-term savings and investing goals, and make personal finances part of your daily life.
Every situation is different. You may be coming to us in the midst of a dramatic life change — an IPO, a major career move, a divorce or retirement. You may simply feel the impulse to get greater clarity, establish control and define the trajectory of your financial life. No matter your specific situation, our private wealth planning or family office services will supply you with supreme levels of support. Come to Aspiriant if you want true customization and personalization, drawing on a wide range of services. The specific blend is dictated 100% by you.