Many people dream of receiving a large inheritance—more money than they could ever imagine. And in those dreams, all problems disappear. In reality, some inheritors feel guilt, shame and that it is wrong.
It is extremely difficult for Ann to discuss money because she was strictly raised not to. In order to feel more comfortable speaking to us in a raw and honest way about her experience as an inheritor, Ann has asked us not to reveal her identity.
The mixture of family wealth and dynamics have led Ann to have a complicated relationship with money, which she discusses in great detail. Among other tales, Ann speaks about what it was like for her in college when her grandfather contributed money to her university and they named a business school after him, revealing her family’s wealth to her circle of friends, peers and instructors. Ann also talks about being a beneficiary of a trust as well as a trustee. In the former role, she had to be in many uncomfortable conversations with her father.
Despite or because of all of this, Ann feels the most secure living a frugal lifestyle and has a difficult time indulging. Ann has worked very hard on her own journey with money. She shares so much about that in this conversation and puts herself out there so that others will benefit from all that she has experienced and learned. Ann is also a very accomplished professional in a field that she is extremely passionate about.
In our conversation, Ann mentions that she is the beneficiary of different trusts. If you are curious about how trusts are used by families to transfer wealth from one generation to the next, be sure to stick around after the interview for our financial insight.
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